Saturday, April 19, 2008

My miracle

I have posted here previously about the amazing friends I have and I know I've posted often about my friends in Vienna - we only lived there a short 3 years, but what a life changing experience it was for me. I made friends who were to become my sisters - women whom I am sure I've known from a previous time. Have you ever felt like that when you met someone - like you've always known them. That was my experience in Vienna and not just once or twice but many times with many people, there are a few though, who know my heart and soul and whose love and prayers I have felt uplifting me when I couldn't make it any farther. My dear friend Stephanie organized a Holly walk-a-thon to raise money for me recently and I just got the check a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure if she did it mostly on her own or if others were involved, I know that another dear friend, Ronde', surely helped. But, Stephanie, was able to collect money from people who don't even know me - I'm not sure how they did it but they raised $3,250 to help us with medical expenses etc. This money arrived at a time when it was truly needed and I have to give my thanks publicly to all who participated. She sent me the list of names of the people who donated to my cause and I am just rendered speechless by the length of the list.

It looks like the husbands of some of my friends even took my cause to work with them and were able to find donors who have never even heard of me. They went to church and I saw the list of names and I know that many of those people struggle to put food on the table for their children, yet somehow they were able to come up with donations for me. I even saw names from the school where my children previously attended - Max's first grade teacher, Daniel's second grade teacher, Alexander's music teacher, parents of my children's friends. Friends of friends and parents of friends who don't know me, but who felt inspired to help. How can I thank each and every one of you? It means so much to me and this money feels sacred and holy and we are so grateful for your love and your sacrifice.

As for the people who did the actual walk, here are a couple of pictures. I didn't want to post anything that really shows faces because I don't have permission, but these are the dearest people. They walked all the way from the house I used to live in to the church we all attended, the love and thought that went even into that small detail, warms my heart. It was a long walk and after that they had to all go and collect the money - much of it from overseas too. I just can't imagine how all this was organized and executed but I am full of love and gratitude because of it.

Thank you to each and every one of you who particpated in this event. I have the list of names (many of whom I don't know) and I look at it all the time - you are in my heart - you are my miracle and I pray that you will be blessed for your sacrifice and kindness.

I am feeling pretty good right now and just got the results back from a brain MRI -- it is negative and that has been great news for us. I am going to start radiation therapy on April 21 - just 10 sessions. They found a fracture in my spine and a big tumor pressing on it. The radiation is going to be to try and shrink a couple of the larger tumors that are causing me pain in my lower back and hips/legs. I pray this will help and that I will be able to walk/get around better afterwards.

Thank you to everyone who prays for me and thinks about me. You give me strength and uplift me and my family and we love you so much for that!

Some of my dear, dear friends relaxing after a long walk.
Here they are walking along the Danube - thankfully they got a good day. Stephanie said it had been raining up till then, but they got beautiful weather for the walk.