Here is Alexander looking very cool. He is developing a special relationship with Rosie. She often goes to him, even when she gets an "ow-ey" and is crying. It is so wonderful to see him so mature and able to take care of a baby. He took a bath with her yesterday (he wore his swimsuit) and they had such a great time. I don't know what else to hope for, these relationships between the children are just so wonderful. Alexander told me yesterday that he wishes he had grown up with his brothers. He feels like he missed so much. That is such a wonderful thing to say because I know they bug him a lot and the boys argue a lot and get on each other's nerves. They are now home all day together doing school so I guess that is normal. They also play a lot together though and I'm so grateful that Alexander is starting to see the true value of that.

Here they are; the Fabulous Four. I love this picture. No mama could be more proud. Max and Daniel are learning so much about growing up in watching their little sister. They ask me so many questions about her development and they worry about her choking on things and they are constantly taking 'dangerous' things out of her hands. An incredible development is that these two boys have learned a little about unconditional love. It was something I just couldn't prove to them before. But, now they see that I love Rosie no matter what and they also can feel that she loves them just as they are, no matter what.

Okay. This is the bomb. I love this fabric, it is "China Doll" by Michael Miller. My mom made us a baby quilt using this fabric and I searched ebay and every fabric store I could find looking for more. Nothing. I get to China, go into this store (A Gift From China -- by the old US Consulate) and they have tons of stuff made out of this fabric. So, I got another quilt, this too, too cute outfit and the diaper bag. I love it and Rosie looks so adorable - and she matches her room!

Look at this sweet face. She is perfect. When I look at her I often think, what could I change to make her cuter or more beautiful and there just isn't a thing. She is now really understanding us too. She says, "Mama", "DaDa", "Dora" (the explorer), "DogDog" (Alexander's stuffed dog), "BackPack", "Bye-Bye" "All Gone", "Daniel", "Max" she hasn't got "Alexander" yet, but she understands so many phrases - it is miraculous.