Friday, September 01, 2006


With all the excitement with Anastasia, we haven't forgotten our little baby from China! The wait seems to never end due to complications in China. We are now being told we should have our referral by Christmas time and plan to travel in January or February. Of course, this will probably coincide with our trip to Russia to get Anastasia!

I don't care! I'm just thinking PINK! Robert won't let me buy a thing until we get our referral and find out how old our daughter is, but I plan to sneak out and buy some socks...or tights...or little shoes...aaaahhh. I just can't wait!

There is no way we can take the boys with us to China and Russia so we are still trying to figure out what to do. They are now saying that if they can only make one trip with us they would rather come to Russia to pick Nastia up. I guess that makes sense since she is older.

If anyone has any contacts with the airlines....!

Orphanage Drive Information

We are going to forge ahead with the Orphanage Drive. We will just use PayPal and anyone who would like to can send in a donation. We have about 6 months to collect funds. This money will be used to do something to help the children; food, cleaning supplies, school supplies etc.

No need to think big here folks. If everyone I know chipped in $5, I'd probably be able to remodel the place!

I have a link to Anastasia's orphanage:

If you go to this website you can see pictures and learn a little more about the orphanage. I tried to add this address to my links but it didn't work. I'll keep working on it.

If you would like to donate to the Orphanage Drive you can email me the money through PayPal. My email address is:

  • You can copy and past my email address,
  • Then click on the Orphanage Drive link on the right -
  • That will take you to PayPal,
  • Select "Send Money"
  • In the recipients box you can paste my email address.

You will need a PayPal account to do this but it is easy to sign up. Just follow the directions for "New User". You can have the funds come from your credit card or from your bank account.

If you are unable to contribute, your prayers and well wishes are most welcome!