Rosie wearing the dress we got her in China. It is all white and we got it for the Temple. We will take her to the Temple to have her "sealed" to us. It is a wonderful ordinance through which we believe that families can be together forever. Literally, for eternity. When we had Max and Daniel sealed to us, the Priest who performed the ceremony told them that they were now just like our biological children. That was so fantastic for them and for us too. Now, they will get to go with us to the temple to watch this same promise being given to their sister. We are all so excited and think we will go when Robert gets back from Russia.

The photographer really had to struggle to get any smiles out of her. Actually, I'm not sure how he did it. She is very suspicious of strangers and it takes her a long time to warm up to "newcomers". Especially when we had these photos done, mid-February, she still wasn't laughing/smiling all that much.
Mom and Rosie

Daniel - I love this picture- this is just how he looks.

Max - I got a nice closeup shot of him too
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