Saturday, April 28, 2007

Well Baby Check Up

Rosie finally went for her first check up. The doctor was impressed by her development and good health. She is still tiny, in fact we learned that she hasn't gained an ounce. She is still 19 pounds. She is almost in the 5th percentile. Yikes. But everything else checked out. She is meeting the milestones and plus she is cute as can be and smart on top of it! She fell asleep during our mini conference with the doc and then I learned she would need some more innoculations. Poor baby - she had to get 4 shots in the tops of her thighs. What a way to wake up. Alexander said, "You see? Thats why I never sleep during the day". Brother, what weird children I have.

Anyway, Rosie was very upset about the shots and I felt so bad, but as soon as it was over I picked her up and she stopped crying. She got 4 little bandaids on her legs and periodically throughout the day she would point to them and say, "ow wow wow" (her words for ouch).

She is saying lots of words now. They aren't all clear and maybe a stranger wouldn't understand, but we get most of them:

mom, dada, Maaax, Daniel, doggie, dogdog, bunbun (bunny), bottle, row, row, row, ur bow, she can sing almost all of twinkle, twinkle little star but she sings it like: ingka, ingka, ingka ingk, ingka, ingka, ingka ingk and it is so cute, diaper, hi, bye-bye, yes (that is such a nice change from shaking her head "no"), bird, mouth, head, ear, giraffe, zebra, hippo, and now instead of saying mama she says mommm; like the boys say Mom, but she really ennunciates so you can be sure to hear she is saying Mommmm and not mama.

She is so funny and has an inquisitive and outgoing personality. We are just beginning to see it as she opens up and develops her confidence. She has much less stranger fear and that is going to make her life much easier and better.

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