Sunday, January 14, 2007

Alexander's Big News

Today was a wonderful day at church. Alexander was set apart as a First Counselor for the Deacons. The Deacons are the quorum or group of 12 and 13 year old boys.

Worthy brethren may be ordained deacons when they are at least 12 years old. A deacon follows counsel, sets a good example, and may (1) pass the sacrament, (2) collect fast offerings, (3) care for the poor and needy, (4) be a standing minister appointed to "watch over the church" (
D&C 84:111), (5) assist the bishopric, (6) serve as a messenger, (7) participate in quorum instruction, (8) serve in quorum leadership positions, (9) fellowship quorum members and other young men, (10) be baptized and confirmed for the dead, (11) speak in meetings, (12) share the gospel, (13) bear testimony, and (14) care for the meetinghouse and grounds.

They have a President and he chooses 2 counselors. Each of the counselors has certain responsibilities, like:

Quorum leaders (1) preside over the quorum, (2) teach quorum members their duties and help them accomplish the purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood (see D&C 107:85-87), (3) watch over and fellowship quorum members and other young men of quorum age, (4) strive to develop love, brotherhood, and loyalty among quorum members, (5) provide opportunities for priesthood assignments, leadership experiences, and spiritual growth, (6) have a special responsibility to watch over and fellowship new quorum members, unordained young men of quorum age, less-active quorum members, and members who have disabilities or other special needs, (7) preside over quorum presidency meetings and Sunday quorum meetings, (8) help plan quorum activities, (9) serve on committees, (10) visit the Primary class for 11-year-old boys, and (11) keep records. (For more on our church go to or both are great websites that are inspiring and educational)

It is just such an honor that though we have only been here 4 months, Alexander is already considered responsible and worthy to hold this position. We are so proud of him and know that he will do his best to rise to the challenge and blessings presented by this calling.

The second bit of news is that Alexander did a doozy on his knee last Wednesday. He and Max were out walking the dogs in the morning and decided to race home. When they came close to our doorstep, the dog stopped and Alexander tripped over him and hit his knee on the edge of the marble step. It didn't scrape but actually pushed back the skin, maybe a 1/4 inch of skin. I got him to the doctor and they couldn't save the skin because it was too badly damaged so they had to remove it. Hence, the big hole in his knee. I gather it will be quite a scar, which he didn't care about, he just didn't want to get stitches.
Anyway, here is a picture of it on day 2 and I must say that the doctor did quite a good job of cleaning it up (after about 15 goes at it with an anesthetic) and making it look decent! Yuk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Alexander's a lot like me then...I've actually been asked by a member of my bishopric to serve that position yesterday. Best of luck to him, and may he be blessed for accepting & fulfilling his position.